BRAC University holds iftar for alumni | University News

BRAC University holds iftar for alumni

In a welcome speech, Tahsina Rahman, Joint Director of Student Life, said the alumni were an important part of the university and the university was proud of their successes.

BRAC University hosted an iftar for around 400 alumni on the university’s Merul Badda campus recently, said a press release on Sunday (23 March).

Prior to the program, arranged by the Office of Career Services and Alumni Relations (OCSAR), many of the alumni went round the innovative and sustainable campus and reminisced with old friends and teachers.

During this time, Vice-Chancellor Professor Syed Ferhat Anwar exchanged pleasantries and inquired about the students’ careers and personal milestones.

In a welcome speech, Tahsina Rahman, Joint Director of Student Life, said the alumni were an important part of the university and the university was proud of their successes.

With over 25,000 alumni spread across Bangladesh and around the world, BRAC University takes immense pride in their achievements and contributions to society, said Registrar Dave Dowland.

Professor Mohammad Mujibul Haque, Dean of BRAC Business School, extended his best wishes to the alumni and urged them to come on visits to the campus whenever they had the opportunity.

Professor Sadia Hamid Kazi, Chairperson of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, also spoke at the event.