A workshop on the research project titled 'Microplastic Pollution in the Brahmaputra River: Threat of Disaster in Fish and Aquatic Food Chain' under the Fisheries Management Department of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) was held at the conference room of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Fisheries of BAU in Mymensingh today.
The workshop discussed various aspects of the research project, the impact of microplastic pollution on the Brahmaputra River and its surrounding aquatic food chain, and ways to resolve the problems concerned in detail.
BAU Vice Chancellor Dr AK Fazlul Haque Bhuiyan spoke in the workshop as the chief guest.
Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries Professor Dr Md Rafiqul Islam Sardar presided over the workshop while Principal Researcher of the project Professor Dr Harunur Rashid moderated it.
Source: BSS