RMP to sensitize school students against social crimes - Dainikshiksha

RMP to sensitize school students against social crimes

dainikshiksha desk |

Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) has launched a school visiting programme everywhere in the metropolis with the main thrust of sensitizing the students and teachers against various forms of social crimes.

In phases, all the 519 educational institutions will be brought under the awareness and sensitization campaign in all 12 police stations to boost the level of confidence of the students.

RMP Commissioner Biplob Bijoy Talukder said they have launched the programme as per their social responsibilities to make the city safe and secured.

On the initial day of the programme on Thursday, RMP officials arranged view- sharing meeting with students in 17 institutions talking about the detrimental impacts of drug-addiction, eve-teasing, cybercrimes, child
marriage, dowry, juvenile gang and human trafficking.

The students were also given ideas on how to cross the roads safely to abide by the traffic rules.

During the spontaneous and participatory open discussion, the students were fervently requested to use social media cautiously besides remaining away from drug-addiction.

Officer-in-Charges of all the police stations, bit officers, teachers and others concerned were engaged in the school visiting programme.

The commissioner said that the present government has declared zero tolerance to drug-addiction and bringing the school-going youths under the need-based awareness programmes can be the crucial means of protecting the young generation from the grip of social crimes.
"We have to build a healthy society to achieve sustainable development goals," he said, adding that the movement against drug abuse will have to be turned into a social movement.

RMP Commissioner Biplob Bijoy Talukder said they are putting in their level best efforts for maintaining peace and tranquility everywhere in the metropolis through people's participation.

They are conducting motorbike rehearsal by police teams on different main roads and tourists and amusement spots so that the peace-loving people are sensitized against the social crimes, he added.

 Students of schools and colleges are being discouraged from going outside during their academic time. Guardians are also being requested to care about their kids for their proper grooming.

In adjacent and surrounding areas of educational institutions, unnecessary gatherings of youths and juveniles who are supposed to be derailed are brought under surveillance to prevent eve-teasing and to control juvenile crimes. source: bss

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